January 19, 2009

First of May

这是一则短讯,浅白但意义深长。 工作请不要太累, 生活要慢慢体会, 健康真的宝贵。 是非恩怨有错有对, 真情才最珍贵! 成功虽然很美, 失败并非负罪。 平凡的快乐, 也是难得滋味。 祝朋友们永远快乐, 快乐地跨入2009年。 2009年开始就有金融风暴的延续、加沙战争、奥巴马就任,还有布什被丢臭鞋(心好凉)。国阵在补选中输了一回又一回,还不晓得问题在哪儿。哀哉! 虽然五月一日还很远,就是想到这首歌--First of May,因为刚过了结婚周年纪念日,竟然忘得一干二净。看到机长用心良苦地铺排婚礼,无非是让这成为一生的美好回忆,祝愿他俩白头偕老,百年好合。 这是收录在张学友《活出生命Live演唱会》里的第一首歌,是Bee Gees 1969年的作品。

First of May (Bee Gees) When I was small, and Christmas trees were tall we used to love while others used to play. Don't ask me why, but time has passed us by, some one else moved in from far away. Now we are tall, and Christmas trees are small, and you don't ask the time of day. But you and I, our love will never die, but guess we'll cry come first of May. The apple tree that grew for you and me, I watched the apples falling one by one. And I recall the moment of them all, the day I kissed your cheek and you were go. Now we are tall, and Christmas trees are small, and you don't ask the time of day. But you and I, our love will never die, but guess we'll cry come first of May. When I was small, and Christmas trees were tall, do do do do do do do do do...

1 comment:

呼吸的747 @ 747 is breathing said...
