March 30, 2007


周杰伦模模糊糊的唱腔配搭老将费玉清的效果果然令人惊喜。 我第一次从电台听到这首歌已非常喜欢。 有趣的是在MTV中,歌曲尾端有小鸟的声音,咋听之下还以为录音错误。 千里之外 (周杰伦) 词:方文山 曲:周杰伦 屋檐如悬崖 风铃如沧海 我等燕归来 时间被安排 演一场意外 你悄然走开 故事在城外 浓雾散不开 看不清对白 你听不出来 风声不存在 是我在感慨 梦醒来 是谁在窗台 把结局打开 那薄如蝉翼的未来 经不起谁来拆 我送你离开 千里之外 你无声黑白 沉默年代 或许不该 太遥远的相爱 我送你离开 天涯之外 你是否还在 琴声何来 生死难猜 用一生 去等待 闻泪声入林 寻梨花白 只得一行 青苔 天在山之外 雨落花台 我两鬓斑白 闻泪声入林 寻梨花白 只得一行 青苔 天在山之外 雨落花台 我等你来 一身琉璃白 透明着尘埃 你无瑕的爱 你从雨中来 诗化了悲哀 我淋湿现在 芙蓉水面采 船行影犹在 你却不回来 被岁月覆盖 你说的花开 过去成空白

March 25, 2007


This is the first Malay song that my son sings. I was so surprise when he sang the whole song and pronounced every word accurately although he doesn't understand the song at all. He told me that he listened the song on TV when the song was performed by an orchestra everyday.
Children are like sponge, they are able to learn very fast.

Tanah tumpahnya darahku
Rakyat hidup bersatu dan maju
Rahmat bahagia Tuhan kurniakan
Raja kita selamat bertakhta
Rahmat bahagia Tuhan kurniakan
Raja kita selamat bertakhta

March 23, 2007


这歌歌词押韵,却不知所云(也许是自己的语文差)。 幸好歌手唱得很好听。不过还是别多听,真担心離家出走的个案会增加。 離家出走(卫兰) 曲/編/監:雷頌德 詞:林夕 豁出去漫遊不通知親友 那快感少有那管想去多久 抱得你未夠於這裡悶透 才誓死跟你逛盡地球 何必每件壯舉都需要理由 伴你去出走 快活而內疚不管舉世追究 願扣上你雙手 自繁華浪處到沙丘戀愛 能有幸這樣放肆至足夠 別再管誰咒你曾經荒謬 闖蕩異地亦未枉相戀 超出煩惱的禁忌 視世上人不理 想早晚能見你 曾經反叛也是我運氣 天與地年老了不再飛 無那份勇氣 怕一世未能沙礪中擁吻 有了你先有這最淒美質感 縱使有地震不因我犯禁 誰話你壞人不減吸引 明知我做錯過的總要奉還 但我愛一眼 有自由浩歎都深刻過不散 讓你我似走犯 在窮途入教堂進諫上帝 求你讓我共愛侶過更多晚 代價高仍愛你曾經荒謬 天與地逃過約束拋開生死 這樣也許了不起 但有一日轟烈乏味 就讓彼此都別戀他人也不忘記 別個再沒法比 瘋過後能放棄 回家安樂過亦有運氣 不顧忌 才瞭解喜與悲能以後銘記 Hu…… 人有天總怕死才注定別離

March 16, 2007

Money, Money, Money

I have just registered a domain name on my name for USD1.99, just for fun and to learn something new. My friend ask me why don't I choose a more commercialize name so that it can be traded later. I'm wondering... am I too emotional in spending money.. ; )
Money, Money, Money (ABBA) I work all night, I work all day, to pay the bills I have to pay Aint it sad And still there never seems to be a single penny left for me Thats too bad In my dreams I have a plan If I got me a wealthy man I wouldn't have to work at all, I'd fool around and have a ball... Money, money, money Must be funny In the rich mans world Money, money, money Always sunny In the rich mans world Aha-ahaaa All the things I could do If I had a little money Its a rich mans world A man like that is hard to find but I can't get him off my mind Ain't it sad And if he happens to be free I bet he wouldn't fancy me That's too bad So I must leave, I'll have to go To las vegas or monaco And win a fortune in a game, my life will never be the same... Money, money, money Must be funny In the rich mans world Money, money, money Always sunny In the rich mans world Aha-ahaaa All the things I could do If I had a little money Its a rich mans world


It has been quite sometimes never heard this sort of motivational songs. Those days, we have快乐天堂,心手相连,明天会更好 and etc... Nowadays, most of the songs (I mean Mandarin or Cantonese songs) are meaningless or promoting individualism, where some are with nice rhythm but not the lyrics. 人人 (张学友) 词: 林夕 曲: 陈辉阳 夜幕繁星不见 亦见繁盛尚有霓虹照青天 高瞩远瞻 大家光影中走过万家店 忆苦都思甜在城里自有生天 挤逼的生涯奉献一生好好发展 人人此心不变 人人功夫再显 繁华千洗百链拥抱命运当挑战 人人细数当年 人人情系眼前 敢教日月创新天在艳阳下又相见 但愿晴天一片 面对磨练自觉图强也必先 心声震天 逆境方显得天变梦不变 许多的忽然但同船未怕搁浅 显出本色原是要追风风总带险

March 13, 2007


我比较喜欢听慢歌,所以和大家分享的大多属于这类型的歌曲。 这首歌听了感觉很舒服。 爱情是伟大的,许多人可以为爱情做任何事情,尤其是女人。 我是现实主义者,我认为爱情也需要面包。 甘愿 (彭佳慧) 爱你好像半瞑坐火车啊 梦摇来摇去心惊惶 睡了一下惊醒一下 咪眼看窗外到了哪 你的爱就像星辰 偶尔很亮 偶尔很暗 我不盼绚丽的灿烂 只求为光能挡风寒 是甘愿也就不怕难 不甘愿早放声哭喊 我要你 别的都不管 倔强变勇敢 茫然变释然 是甘愿所以能美满 不甘愿才会说伤感 我爱你 心就特别软 平淡也浪漫 无语也温暖

March 8, 2007

Something Stupid

This song is originally duet by Frank Sinatra and Nancy but I prefer Robbie and Nicole's version. Nicole Kidman is astounding, she sounds so sweet in the song.

Something Stupid (Robbie Williams & Nicole Kidman)
I know I stand in line
Until you think you have the time
To spend an evening with me
And if we go someplace to dance
I know that there's a chance
You won't be leaving with me

Then afterwards we drop into a quiet little place
And have a drink or two
And then I go and spoil it all
By saying something stupid
Like I love you

I can see it in your eyes
You still despise the same old lines
You heard the night before
And though it's just a line to you
For me it's true
And never seemed so right before

I practice every day to find some clever
lines to say
To make the meaning come true
But then I think I'll wait until the evening
gets late
And I'm alone with you

The time is right
Your perfume fills my head
The stars get red
And oh the night's so blue
And then I go and spoil it all
By saying something stupid
Like I love you
I love you...

March 7, 2007

Angels, Roses & Rain

This is a very touching story in a single parent home. I come across this song in CHYI's album Whoever Find This, I Love You.

Angels, Roses & Rain (Dickey Lee)
Last night my little girl came to my bedroom
I heard her whisper softly from the door
Mammy I can't sleep cause I miss Papa
Does Papa miss me like he did before
I took her in my arms and then I told her
Darling, Papa misses you the same

But little girls and Mammies cry with teardrops
Angels cry with roses and with rain

Angels cry roses and rain
Angels don't know any pain
So darling when you hear your Papa's name
Think of angels roses and rain and rain
Angels cry roses and rain...

This morning she was playing in the kitchen
Then she took her doll and went outside
I watched her as she walked among the roses
I saw a little sadness in her eyes
But then I heard a raindrop on the window
And softly as the cloud that moved above
My little girl picked up her doll and whispered
That's the way my Papa sends her love

Angels cry roses and rain
Angels don't know any pain
So darling when you hear your Papa's name
Think of angels roses and rain and rain
Angels cry roses and rain...

March 4, 2007

Kickoff Your Day

This is a piece of good music to kickoff your day, Victory (Bond).
Like a cup of coffee every morning.

March 2, 2007


Friends come and go in different stages of our life. Sometimes we try to maintain the relationship by seeing each other once a year or more, which may end up with what Jacky sings in the song, no common topic due to change of environment. At first I will feel very upset, like I'm going to lose a close friend again. Now, I don't feel that anymore because I start to understand that this is life. Life is changing, it is the beauty of life. 好久不见( Jacky Cheung) 也许一天再相逢 说声好久不见 沉默了 曾经我打听过 你最近的生活 忙碌工作之余 是否有运动 今天和昨日不同 我不在你身旁 不甘寂寞的你 是不是很难过 至于我过得还不错 不如以前疯 那一家迪斯科 我再也没去过 天凉了 挂念了 有从前还是好的 这熟透的脸孔 我还真的舍不得 和你的 记住了 虽然将来会尘封 也许一天再相逢 说声好久不见 沉默了 我希望是一片云朵 飘到你的天空 安安静静地望着 你是否快乐 只能这样了 不打扰 你平静生活 亲爱的 我在这 祝你平安喜乐