June 27, 2007

May You

May you find serenity and tranquility in a world you may not always understand May the pain you have known and the conflict you have experienced give you the strength to walk through life facing each new situation with optimism and courage Always know that there are those whose love and understanding will always be there even when you feel most alone May you discover enough goodness in others to believe in a world of peace May a kind word, a reassuring touch a warm smile, be yours every day of your life and may you give these gifts as well as receive them Remember the sunshine when the storm seems unending Teach love to those who know hate and let that love embrace you as you go into the world May the teaching of those you admire become part of you so that you may call upon them Remember, those whose lives you have touched and who have touched yours are always part of you even if the encounters were less than you would have wished May you not become too concerned with material matters, but instead place immeasurable value on the goodness in your heart Find time in each dat to see the beauty and love in the world around you Realize that each person has limitless abilities but each of us is different in our own way What you may feel you lack in one regard may be more than compensated for in another What you feel you lack in the present may become one of your strengths in the future May you see your future as one filled with promise and possibility Learn to view everything as a worthwhile experience May you find enough inner strength to determine your own worth by yourself and not be dependent on another's judgements of your accomplishments May you always feel loved ~by Ruth Bourdon~

June 12, 2007


与其说李泰祥是齐豫的伯乐,不如说只有齐豫才能诠释李泰祥诗一般音乐。 有一个人 译诗:李敏勇 曲:李泰祥 在对星星做最后一次眺望后 我关上深夜的窗 在地球另一边的某个地方 有人默默的把窗打开了 说不出是冷漠或热情的那人的脸 全然的朝向我 我暗中给他祝福 他也许是守护我夜眠的人 也许是漫无目的在夜里彷徨的人 我不清楚他 似曾醒来打开窗 我又看到 地球另一边的那一个地方 默默关窗的那人的姿势 我暗暗的给他祝福 是否轮到我守护他夜眠了吗 也许是漫无目的在他夜里彷徨的人 说不出冷漠或热情的那个人 我和他常常这样相遇 常常这样别离 雨丝 诗:痖弦 曲:李泰祥 我们的恋啊 像雨丝 在星斗与星斗间的路上 我们底车与是无声的 曾嬉戏于透明的大森林 曾濯足与无水的小溪 那是 挤满着莲叶灯的河床啊 是有牵牛和鹊桥的故事 遗落在那里的 我们的恋啊 像雨丝 斜斜地织成淡的记忆 而是否淡的记忆 就永留于星斗之间呢 如今已是摔碎的珍珠 流满人世了……

June 6, 2007


昨天旧同事至电说有个朋友在纵火案中被烧死,听说嫌犯是前任丈夫,真的很惊讶。一来是近来为了孩子和工作,连报章也随便看,竟然身边的朋友出事了也不懂。二来是惊讶死者和前任丈夫虽然已经分手数年,仍然纠缠不清。是矣,问世间情为何物,直教人生死相许? 爱情其实很简单,爱或不爱。往往在寻找爱与不爱的答案之间出现许多矛盾,让人看不清而造成许多悲剧。 答案 词:罗青 曲:李泰祥 天上的星星 为何? 像人群一般的拥挤呢? 地上的人们 为何? 又像星星一般的疏远? My Favourite Music: 齐豫-敢爱

June 2, 2007


欢颜是1979年的电影,关于一个大学女生未婚生子的故事。印象中,在我很小很小的时候看过女主角长发飘逸,包着吉他唱橄榄树。虽然幼小不懂事,印象却很深刻。 橄榄树 (齐豫) 词:三毛 曲:李泰祥 不要问我从那里来 我的故乡在远方 为什么流浪 流浪远方 流浪 为了天空飞翔的小鸟 为了山间轻流的小溪 为了宽阔的草原 流浪远方 流浪 还有还有 为了梦中的橄榄树 橄榄树 不要问我从那里来 我的故乡在远方 为什么流浪 为什么流浪远方 为了我梦中的橄榄树 与电影同名,欢颜有一种淡淡的忧愁,加上齐豫的歌声,那忧伤的情绪就像在空气中慢慢扩散,犹如吟诗。 欢颜 词:三毛曲:李泰祥 na na na…… 飘落着淡淡愁一丝丝的回忆 如梦如幻如真弦轻拨声低吟 那是歌 只要你轻轻一笑 我的心就迷醉 只有你的欢颜笑语 伴我在慢慢长途有所依 春雨秋霜岁月无情 海枯石烂形无痕 飘落着冷冷情万缕缕的怀念 My Favourite Music: 齐豫-敢爱